/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
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Sites 25-32 of 34

Art For A Change
  The Art For A Change website is dedicated to the Arts and their role in transforming society, from the socially conscious Artworks of webmaster Mark Vallen to the works of other like minded Artists possessing a critical vision.
Sacred Voice Gallery Activist Art Resources
  Thematically much of the work features at the Sacred Voice Gallery involves debunking the myths of western civilization.
  PeaceSymbol.org - A tribute to the peace symbol, offering information on its history, as well as clip art, protest posters, t shirts, stickers, photographs, message boards, and links to related sites.
Peace, Pace, Frieden
  A project against Iraq war and against totalitarism.
les dormeurs / the sleepers
  The Sleepers (09-2002): a short work about World War 1 inspired by Arthur Rimbaud's poem: "Le dormeur do val"
  Complete info. on the making of THOROUGHLY MODERN MILI, an anti-war comedy short, with a streaming trailer of the film.
E Akaba Arts
  visit my site www.eakaba.com go to Graphic arts and then to Yo Acuso( I Accuse)
Blood For Oil
  Free downloadble anti-war, anti-empire and peace posters.

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