The Experimental Party - An initiative of the US Department of Art & Technology, the Experimental Party is an artist-based political party,
Memorial Figures Series - Figuring out what's going on.
Ceci n'est pas un mensonge - (This is not a lie.) Resolution independent unilateralism.
Vive le cadavre exquis!
One among 400,000 - A personal document of the
protest that took place in
London, UK on September 28th
2002 to stop the war against
Smartwar Superstation - An artwork and information website dedicated to the idea of ending war. Find out about the relationship between the media and the war department.
orhpositivo - Anti war digital art, poetry, etc.
Revue Interstice - Electronic multidisciplinary magazine with cultural, artistic, literary, photographic, video content.
Sally Blue's Web Site - My Anti-Bush and Anti-Iraq War paintings and essays on "Bush and war" by other people.