/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
American T-shirt Patriotism
  Andrej Tisma's T-shirt designs for American and world-wide patriots who oppose the war in Iraq.
Agusto's Website
  Contains essays and arguments from Anti-War supporters. Anti-War Campaign at Virginia Tech.
::uncomfortably numb::
  A blog about life and the human condition, through personal experience, and a strong, obsessive need to right as many wrongs as possible (mine included)...peace, war, politics, love, acceptance, opinions, news, wisdom, kindness, and knowledge....
Bush Can Fuck Himself
  Blog and News about the Bush Administration and their failures including the war in Iraq. Highly Critical of George W. Bush and his cabal.
Wackiavelli Band's Home Page
  A CD with satirical, irreverent, funny and poignantly political lyrics wrapped in a blend of funky R & B, a tinge of Reggae, and alternative Rock.
Ursine Logic
  The ramblings and artwork of a crazy old woman who believes in Peace, Nature, the power of Love, and the lessons found in creatures who have fur and abundant love to share with the planet...unconditionally.
Ceci n'est pas un mensonge
  (This is not a lie.) Resolution independent unilateralism. Vive le cadavre exquis!
Nick Barker : Net Art Projects
  Art created on the computer for the internet.

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