/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Terra Incognita: The Undiscovered Country
  International perspectives on contemporary culture and politics.
Exposing Secrecy In Government
  Government secrecy,conspiracy, cover-ups, corporate takeovers etc...are just a few of the dangers that we face. Much of what is now shaping America and our daily lives is happening behind closed doors, as our privacy and freedom is slipping away.
Enter the Waste Land
  Poet, socialist, and community activist wanting a stronger, more assertive, more independant antiwar movement. To end the war, the antiwar movement MUST break its ties to the Democratic Party and create parties and organizations that reject the politics
Arts and Consciousness
  A glimpse on paintings, science news, ecology news, Hindu spirituality with an art and art therapy gallery, and a children's drawing gallery.
Acoustic Dad's Place
  Blog of an American expatriate living in Australia. Primary topics include: activism, political dissent, current events, social commentary and progressive politics (Australian and American). Other topics include music and poetry.
State Of Anarchy
  Practical information, commentary and links concerning the Middle East War, Earth Changes, lawless government, and Public Awakening.
  A psychaotic manifestorium by the premiere Drugly American
Pro-Troops, Anti-War, Anything But Bush 2004
  A fun, interactive, grassroots forum that will serve as the true voice of the people. We are a community where activists and pissed off people can sound off and express their feeling in a creative and artistic way

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