/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Terra Incognita: The Undiscovered Country
  International perspectives on contemporary culture and politics.
Savage sound list
  Affiliated with the site www.killthepresident.us, which opposes assassination, generally.
Elmer Creek Conspiracy
  We're a backyard band with an anti-war agenda, and have put up a website to complement our music cd America in Denial.
Jealous Twin
  energetic and loud, a little cross, and occasionaly rude. i love my job but hate my boss and the whole of the NHS, i am colourful, and learning to drive.. have a cuppa and relax along with me....and my fruit loop of a blog thang.
Fatcat Politics
  Torture, Treason, Corruption, Lies and Incompetence... Known by their works... The Republicans 2000 - 2008
Bush Can Fuck Himself
  Blog and News about the Bush Administration and their failures including the war in Iraq. Highly Critical of George W. Bush and his cabal.
The Case Against America
  Suggests several reasons why people around the world might be anti-American, lists US brands/companies to boycott, links to anti-war, anti-globalisation and fair trade websites.
Pro-Troops, Anti-War, Anything But Bush 2004
  A fun, interactive, grassroots forum that will serve as the true voice of the people. We are a community where activists and pissed off people can sound off and express their feeling in a creative and artistic way

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