/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
My Opinions are Politically Warped
  ღAir Force Spouse Who's Anti-War & Governmentღ You can be both & still love your countryღ
Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace
  Los Angeles based Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace (ICUJP) unites over 50 Faith centered groups from Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim and other spiritual traditions under the slogan "Religious Communities Must Stop Blessing War"
Arts and Consciousness
  A glimpse on paintings, science news, ecology news, Hindu spirituality with an art and art therapy gallery, and a children's drawing gallery.
What Are We Fighting For
  Site dedicated to promoting peace awareness.
Savage sound list
  Affiliated with the site www.killthepresident.us, which opposes assassination, generally.
A house against war
  Easy low-cost initiative for an enduring silent war protest: if you and everyone in your home is opposed to the war in Iraq, register this attitude with a sign outside your door. (German language)
Lose The War
  We believe the war has been lost and we must look to the future. Our primary concern is the troops and their return home.
  About a book by Stafano Benni, Stranalandia.

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