/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
The Liberal Journal
  News and Opinion dedicated to true American values.
Elmer Creek Conspiracy
  We're a backyard band with an anti-war agenda, and have put up a website to complement our music cd America in Denial.
Kid Koma
  @mind@maze@ @web@soup@ @net@kitsch@ @no@designers@
Terra Incognita: The Undiscovered Country
  International perspectives on contemporary culture and politics.
Peace Garden
  Rants of a liberal, a progressive, an anti-war/peace advocate. a dreamer...
POLLY for International Politics
  My Blog and Forum are aimed at stopping the Iraq war and all wars so that there is peace on earth.
Just American
  Links, articles.
Silicon Creative
  Collection of anti-war DVD covers and other Bush art!

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