The Handstand - Monthly journal;anarchic;politics;arts;artists;environment studies;
Terra Incognita: The Undiscovered Country - International perspectives on contemporary culture and politics.
Free Jeremiah Now Society - Links to the streaming audio Oratorio: ' Jerusalem...'. The 'music' and ambient sounds were recorded live, and in one-take, as the artist played to, and with, the gathering storm; then allowing that ebb and flow to inform the later recorded narration
One Tenacious Baby Mama - This is an anti-authoritarian, anti-oppression radical parenting Black conscious, queer positive, class conscious, sex positive, anti-war blog.
Revue Interstice - Electronic multidisciplinary magazine with cultural, artistic, literary, photographic, video content. - The only way to effect change is to vote for what you believe, not the lesser of two evils. Protest and make you vote count. Vote third party.
American T-shirt Patriotism - Andrej Tisma's T-shirt designs for American and world-wide patriots who
oppose the war in Iraq.
Low Rider Press Stickers - Silk screened bumper stickers such as "That didn't work - let's try peace." Peace and anti-war stickers as well as ones for outdoor lovers, feminists, and others!