/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
The Bush Empire
  THE BUSH EMPIRE How four generations of arms, oil, fascism, and US Govt. defiance made America's First Family
Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace
  Los Angeles based Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace (ICUJP) unites over 50 Faith centered groups from Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim and other spiritual traditions under the slogan "Religious Communities Must Stop Blessing War"
War Against Terror
  The war against terror website presents information on topics of war, peace, terrorism, tributes to heroes, bin laden jokes, chief weapons inspector gear and more ...
  Open discussion forum open to thoughts on how to stop the evil empire.
Liberation Central
  Alternative anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist social justice perspectives.
KIndergeschichten/ Childhoodstories
  Stories that reflect the end of WW2 through the eyes of children.
  About a book by Stafano Benni, Stranalandia.
::uncomfortably numb::
  A blog about life and the human condition, through personal experience, and a strong, obsessive need to right as many wrongs as possible (mine included)...peace, war, politics, love, acceptance, opinions, news, wisdom, kindness, and knowledge....

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