/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
  JustWarTheory.com is a free, non-profit, annotated aid to critical philosophical studies of warfare, terrorism, counter-terrorism, nationalism, war crimes, humanitarian intervention, and more.
  Cutting through fog, exposing lies, and unraveling the Media-Industrial Complex.
Yard Sign Project
  Artists, friends, writers, activists, and strangers are invited to participate in the Yard Sign Project, now online.
i am a donut
  the usual incoherent opinionated nonsense and ramblings
Free Jeremiah Now Society
  Links to the streaming audio Oratorio: '...to Jerusalem...'. The 'music' and ambient sounds were recorded live, and in one-take, as the artist played to, and with, the gathering storm; then allowing that ebb and flow to inform the later recorded narration
  The life of a homeschooling, breastfeeding, homebirthing, freedom fighting, gun-toting really cool mom of four.
UNCLE SAM'S AUNTIE (anti-war quotes quiz)
  Test your peacenik cred with over 40 quotes. A companion to UP AGAINST THE WAR. Add US AUNTIE to your web page.
Peace & Freedom Press
  Site of Peace & Freedom Press, publishers of paperbacks, magazines and booklets, of poetry, prose and art, mostly relating to humanitarian, animal welfare and environmental concerns.

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