/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Low Rider Press Stickers
  Silk screened bumper stickers such as "That didn't work - let's try peace." Peace and anti-war stickers as well as ones for outdoor lovers, feminists, and others!
Regime Changer.Com Become A Weapon of Mass Dissent
  Based in the heartland of the military-industrial heartland: Norfolk VA Beach, RegimeChanger.Com provides a window to alternative views regarding the Bush administration's policy of unilateralism, corporate cronyism and gunboat diplomacy.
Peace atom does not happen!...
  The time has come to say "No!" to nuclear research.
No To War In Iraq 2003
   Site arguing provocatively that the Iraqi people should try to use Gandhi style stances of passive, non-violent resistance to stop the Bush-Blair war machine in its tracks and minimuise casualties in the war no one wants. Arthur Chappell
Acoustic Dad's Place
  Blog of an American expatriate living in Australia. Primary topics include: activism, political dissent, current events, social commentary and progressive politics (Australian and American). Other topics include music and poetry.
Memorial Figures Series
  Figuring out what's going on.
Anti war songs
  A large collection of antiwar songs, translated in many languages.
zero dimension autonomous zone
  anarchist site that is against war,poverty,and any oppression of the working class.

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