Icontext and other works - Icontext is an online art project that lets you make your own ASCII images. There's also an archive.
Lorrie's ASCII - An indexed-by-subject collection of my
original ASCII art in html color for viewing
ASCII Art by Sebastian St - A collection of my ASCII Art pictures which I posted in
Ilmari Karonen's ASCII Art & Tools - A small collection of original ASCII pictures by Ilmari Karonen (itz). Also features ascflip, a tool for rotating and mirroring ASCII pictures.
ASCII Art Dictionary (Andreas Freise) - A large collection
of Ascii pictures by various artists.
Some of my own art, some ASCII animations
and of course information, links, etc.
ASCII World - A website that emalglobaltes everything that exists in ASCII including art, programming, history, articles, techniques and tutorials and the likes.
PENCELAND.com - Personal site with many pages.
ASCII Art Enterprise NCC-1701, c. 1974 - ASCII Art Enterprise NCC-1701, c. 1974