ASCII Art Generator and Pictures - ASCII Art Generator and Gallery. Convert image files to ASCII or view ASCII art. Categories include cartoon characters, animals, angels, peoples, sport, animations.
Galeria Ascii - Mega galeria asciiart animation.
ASCII of Mass Destruction - An artist's interpretation of Iraqi nuclear research documents released by the U.S. government.
Roboton - 8bit music website, pixel art / ASCII art
ASCII Art Ensemble - Homebase of deep.ascii and other fun.
Japanese Ascii Art - Portraits and figure drawings that use ASCII
characters as well as some Japanese characters.
Note: includes Hentai (adult) imagery.
Les Caribouteries - Containing both ASCII comics (called "Caribouteries") and
cartoons (called "Mangaribous"), this 99.5% French site displays a whole
set of ASCII arts all dedicated to one thing : the Caribou (yes, the animal) !
David Palmer's ASCII Art - A collection of original ascii art pictures.