file function -- converts plain text file to array of lines usage: $array_handle = file(url or /path/to/file) If path to file leads to: This is a file of text made with BBEdit. Then, the following: $f = file("/path/to/file"); will generate an array in which: $f[0] = "This is a\n"; $f[1] = "file of text\n"; $f[2] = "made with BBEdit"; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- strstr function -- finds a substring within a larger string and returns only the end of the larger string (after the substring) usage: $larger = "This is a longer string that contians BANANA in it." $end = strstr($larger, "BANANA"); $end will contain "BANANA in it." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- trim function -- removes "white space" from beginning and end of a string usage: $str = " hello "; $out = trim($str); $out now contains "hello" This also strips away TABS (\t), ENDLINE characters (\n and \r), and perhaps other non-printing characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ strip_tags function -- removes HTML tags from a string usage: $source = "