• ftp stands for file transfer protocol
  • This protocol preceded http. It's a bit faster, but less robust.
  • Fetch is a graphical user interface for this protocol on the Mac platform
  • there are ftp programs available for Windows that work similarly
  • ftp is used to "upload" files to the server, and to download files from servers
  • ftp can also be used, in limited fashion, with a browser
  • you must have a user account on the server unless it supports anonymous login
  • Fetch uses standard file dialogs to allow you to select files and file names for transfer
  • CuteFtp is an example of a free-ware PC based ftp program.
  • FileZilla is another example of a free-ware PC based ftp program.
  • Netscape and other browsers also implement FTP, but are somewhat limited.
  • you will use this program primarily to put files that are created on the lab PCs onto the server
  • Connect to your www.it.scps.nyu.edu account's home directory

  • PC: WinSCP is used to contact the host: www.it.scps.nyu.edu
  • MAC: Fugu is used to contact the host: www.it.scps.nyu.edu