Virtual College?
- Institutional approaches to distance learning and technology
- Lansing Community College
- Online resources
- Vassar
- Automatically puts up faculty web pages
- Following the "wired" campus paradigm
Try searching for "faculty web pages" +literature
- Teachers using the WWW
- Students and the WWW
How WWW works
- WWW works best for text and still images, not pyrotechnik razzle dazzle
- Hypertext
- The fundamentals of HTML are fairly simple.
- The URL
Try searching for "html tutorial" in double quotes
Some HTML tutorials
- Simplest scenario:
- Browser (Download Netscape here)
- Get version 2.02 if you have 8 Mb RAM
- Get version 3.03 if you want the most solid browser
- Get Communicator (version 4.0) if you're adventurous
- Text editor (Notepad on Windows, Simpletext on Mac)
- FTP application (WS_FTP on Windows, Fetch on Mac)
- HTML authoring tools
- Netscape GOLD version has HTML editor included (free to academia)
- Commercial: FrontPage for Windows (Microsoft product)
- Commercial: BBEdit 4.0 for Macs
Word Processor Export Plug-ins
- It's possible to export HTML from your word processor
- A list of utilities is available at The W3 Consortium
Uploading your files
- Connect to your account's home directory
- PC: WS_FTP is used to contact the host:
- MAC: Fetch is used to contact the host:
- USERNAME: (yourusernamehere)
- PASSWORD: same password as you use for telneting to
- Destination directory: clear this field
Transfer modes
Broken links
- Make sure you close " (quotation) marks
- Does the URL work in the browser?
At least for computer-related issues, the net is the best resource
The World Wide Web is not rocket science (It's not as dangerous)
Recent WWW Host stats
Tradition and continuity