The above code is a technique for downloading an XML file from the National Weather Service that contains information about Newark's weather. In this case, I am searching for the tag named temperature_string. After finding the boundary positions for the beginning and ending tag, I put the value given for the temperature into a variable and print it back to the browser. The rest of the data is ignored.<?php error_reporting (E_ALL); # /* Get the IP address for the target host. */ $address = gethostbyname (''); /* Create a TCP/IP socket. */ $socket = fsockopen($address,80, &$errno, &$errstr, 30); if ($socket < 0) { echo "Socket() failed"; } else { echo "Socket() successful"; } echo "Attempting to connect to '$address' on port 80"; $in = "GET /data/current_obs/KEWR.xml HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $in .= "Host:\r\n"; $in .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; $out = ''; echo "Sending HTTP GET request..."; fwrite ($socket, $in, strlen ($in)); echo "OK.\n"; echo "Reading response:\n\n"; $xmlBuffer = ""; while ($out = fread ($socket, 2048)) { $xmlBuffer .= $out; } $bgn = strpos($xmlBuffer, "<temperature_string>") + strlen("<temperature_string>"); $end = strpos($xmlBuffer, "</temperature_string>"); $temperature = substr($xmlBuffer,$bgn,$end-$bgn); echo "<h1>$temperature</h1>"; echo "Closing socket..."; fclose ($socket); echo "OK.\n"; ?>
The technique used shows the way requests are sent by browsers to the web server using HTTP protocol. After sending the request, we loop through a While() structure to fill the xmlBuffer variable with the data sent by the server.
How can you improve this script?