/* XPM */ static char *bla_bla[]={ /*
bla_bla*/ " Rembrandt.##VGn GogG. GPicasso. 5 users. ", " G # GGG G ", " && ##G %G% ", " PP# %P % %P% ", " GPP G%G 'P' G'%%PPP ", " GG%% %#&G& GG G% %P ", " %G G 6 way communication/ ", " GG&&&Spread the ointment. ", " ##GGThis is really cool shit!! ", " GG&GG ''GGe 'h' top'of your head! ", " GGGGGGting from the top'of my head!!! ", " Now it looks like the face is wearing a mu", " lticolored hat!!!!! text can be colorful ", " IG'i&eG that face. ", " GGG&& ", " GG &G ' PP !! PPPPPP P ", " G && '''PP P!! !!!P ", " G&&&GG PP PP! fas! !P ", " G& 'P PP!! ! !! P ", " GG# G& G ! P ", " && G ! ! ", " G G G !!! ! ", " !# && G ! ! P ", " &GG f d ! ", " &&!Ge! d ! ! ", " G#GG Gw ! ' ! d d! ! P ", " !# m& e G ! !!!!!!!! ! ", " r ef!G! G!!!! isn'tthis all just rand", " i e #' &aG m PP om?P ! ! ", " m g #GG&nG Pm ' PP P ", " d p a #&GGi&& j !PP ", " o l# r & Gn &o ", " e y d # ! g Gs o ", " s G!i& GG G e P o ? ", " a' n G o' p P o o ", " t n Gg'' G&f'''h' P ", " h #y G &G&&G i' '' ' ", " i # t #t G!l!! n !! ggw ", " s # hG h ! a ! a !!! ! ", " # i eGGG n . ", " # #n## g ! . ! ! ", " type in this window%%%%%555%%%%555taeuyfgtk", " uaeygtkuiyresiuyliuytieuytiuyetiuyretieuyrt", " ieurytieruytireytiuyretireytiuyretiuyretier", " uytireuytieruytiuyretieruytireuytieruytieru", " ytierytieruytieruytireuytireuytireuytireuyt", " wieruytireuytireuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyytieruytire", " uytireuytireuytireuytireytrieuytieruytieryt", " ierytireuytierytireuytierytireuytieuytiryti", " reytierytieruytieruytieuyrtiruyetieuyrtiert", }; /*