ACTD | Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration |
BDA | Battle damage assessment |
BE | Basic encyclopedia |
BUR | Bottom-up review |
C\3 | Command, control, and communications |
DAWMS | Deep Attack/Weapons Mix Study |
DIA | Defense Intelligence Agency |
DOD | Department of Defense |
ELE | Electrical facilities |
GOB | Ground order of battle |
GVC | Government centers |
GWAPS | Gulf War Air Power Survey |
LANTIRN | Low-altitude navigation and targeting infrared for night |
LGB | Laser-guided bomb |
LOC | Lines of communication |
MIB | Military industrial base |
NAV | Naval facilities |
NBC | Nuclear, biological, and chemical |
OCA | Offensive counterair |
OIL | Oil refining, storage, and distribution |
SAM | Surface-to-air missile |
SCU | Scud missile facilities |
TLAM | Tomahawk land-attack missile |
TOE | Type of effort |
WOE | Weight of effort |
OWI | Office of War Information |
RAF | Royal Air Force |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
UN | United Nations |
UMT | Universal Military Training |
HERF | High Energy Radio Frequency |