~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vote Green Web Ring & Directory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chatham-Kent Essex Greens
  The place where people, whose values are grounded in the real world, can become politically active, and help towards a real, positive change. Visit the Greenspace and say HI!
   Take the Pledge maintains a website allowing interested parties to pledge their vote to the Green Party presidential candidate in the 2004 election. Through a unique system which allows users to choose the level at which their pledge takes effect.
Mothers' Alert
  Mothers' Alert is dedicated to providing: information on the links between increased radiation in the environment and health, opportunities for action on the most pressing environmental threats, information on the technology and science of alt. energy.
The Green Equestrian
  An "outpost" for all equestrians seriously involved or interested in "green." An equestrian knowledge-base dedicated to environmental issues in the equine industry as well as to the maintenance and preservation of the cultural factor HORSE.
Campus Green Party at UCSB
  Campus Green Party at UCSB, linked to local activists sites for the Santa Barbara area.
Synthesis/Regeneration - A Magazine of Green Social Thought
  Social and political matters of interest to Greens.
Cars and Trees
  All about generating free energy.
Campus Greens
  Campus Greens is a national student-based, non-profit organization dedicated to building a broad-based movement for radical democracy on America

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